Exemple e-puck2 with a camera of 640x480
install ROS2 ( at the moment the latest is Jazzy vesion https://docs.ros.org/en/jazzy/index.html ) install all the package needed.
launch webots with world/e-puck2.wbt
With ros2 topic list
you can see the topics available:
/camera/image_raw #image from the camera
/cmd_vel #Speed command of the robot
/distance_sensors #array of floats distances from the sensors
/odom #Position of the robot as the integration of the wheel's movements
You can see and modify these values with rqt ot through your one program.
With ros2 on OSX
Install ros2 with robostack https://robostack.github.io/GettingStarted.html ( probably replace humble by jazzy to have the latest version )
Install the needed packages like rclpy : conda install -c ros-forge ros-humble-rclpy
conda install -c ros-forge ros-humble-sensor-msgs ros-humble-cv-bridge ros-humble-nav-msgs opencv ros-humble-cv-bridge
Launch Webot in your conda environment with ros2 activated i.e.:
conda activate ros2
Open the world file world/e-puck2.wbt
and run the simulation see above.